This can either be an administrative error from the school or Hatch HQ, or that the student has not been registered. 

Schools sometimes give the list of students attending the class late, and sometimes there may be some anomalies in our records at Hatch HQ.

Either way, in this situation the student can stay for the first class, but we must sort out the student's enrollment situation as soon as possible, before the second class occurs. Contact Be sure to collect the following details:

  • parent's name (ask student)
  • parent's contact info (ask parent at the end of class if present)
  • student's first and last name
  • Student Hatch account username if student has one/otherwise state no account

When asking parents for their contact information please let them know that you gave them a demo account to have fun and participate during class, but we'll need to coordinate with the office and Hatch HQ to get their registration details, then all the progress they made during the first class will be transferred over to their registered account.

Bring this up to the office administration after class, and report back to of the result. Likely results may be that the school gave the list of students late, or the student walked in on their own, letting the office staff know about the student can help prevent this from happening.

When the student stays for the first class they may participate by using a Hatch Platform demo account - Demo account credentials.

Note: If student has an account, but a different account is on the attendance page you'll need to submit a request to merge the accounts. Here's the video on how to do this.