Quick Overview

The student report allows parents and coaches to get a more detailed understanding of their students progress of computation thinking as it applies to animation and drawing on the Hatch platform, since they started. It allows parents to see personalized updates from coaches that are working with their child on an ongoing basis. Coaches and parents can use this tool to gain insights to not only understand their progress over time, but to use it get them to where they want to be by recommending projects suggested by the platform itself, or finding projects from the project library that use the skills that need to be developed.

The report includes 7 sections: 

  1. A personalised comment from coaches on the student's progress
  2. The total amount of points the student has earned on the Hatch platform
  3. The monthly breakdown of when the points were earned
  4. A visual representation of how the skills - like computing skills - are being used on the Hatch platform
  5. Recommended projects to help students round out their computing skills
  6. A breakdown of how many challenges by difficulty have been finished
  7. The relative score - called the Hatch score - of the student to compare their progress to other students
  8. Recent projects the student has been working on

Detailed Overview

Coach Comments

Coaches can leave personalised comments anytime to note key moments during their student's progress to help other coaches and parents when they view the report. It's also a nice personal touch for the students as they can review their report as well as see what their coaches are sharing about them with other coaches and their parents.

Total Points Earned

These points represent the total amount of work a student has done since they have started playing on the Hatch platform including both project points and challenge points; project points are earned when students complete projects, and challenge points are earned when students complete challenges.

Monthly Breakdown of Total Points

This visual representation provides the primary insight on how to interpret a student's total points earned. You can compare how much work the student has done in a month versus the other months.

Area Skill Charts

There are 5 area skill charts that visually represent how much work the student has put into a particular skill and computational thinking as it applies to drawing and animation as a whole. These 5 skills are split up into different areas:

  1. Computing skills - when students complete challenges in projects, they work on their computing skills
  2. Overall skills - each project builds one or more of these skills:
    1. Drawing skills - the Hatch platform uses these types of instructions in code to create drawings
    2. Loops and Conditional skills - fundamental programming logic is accomplished with these skills
    3. Miscellaneous skills - other skills that the Hatch platform develops that are used in computer programming, interactive computer programs, and mathematics

Recommended Projects

The Hatch Platform identifies a computing skill that needs improvement and recommends projects that use that skill. Completing these recommended projects will round out the student's computing skills.

Challenges Finished

Challenges are independent work that students can optionally complete. Completing these challenges develops the students computing skills. Each project has challenges with varying levels of difficulty. This is a breakdown of how many easy, medium, and hard challenges the student has completed since they started playing on the platform.

Percentile Ranking & Hatch Score

The Hatch score represents a relative score determined by how much work they've put in the platform and considers how many classes they've attended to put in this work. The more challenges completed versus projects completed, the higher the score. Challenges require a level of mastery of all the skills used on the platform as well as computational thinking skills, and that is most valuable transferable skill Hatch is developing in all our students.

The distribution chart compares the students Hatch score to the rest of the population of Hatch students.

Recent Projects Worked On

Seeing the history of recent projects worked on can be used to see what the student is interested in and allows you to play with any of the listed project.