Can I let my students leave on their own?


In this article, we will take a look at one of of the features we have on our attendance list, and that is the icon informing us if our students can leave on their own or we need to wait for an approved guardian to pick them up.

Icon meaning

 Student needs to be picked up by a guardian

In this case as the icon shows, the student needs to be picked up by a guardian.  To find out the name of the guardian, you can access more information about your students at the top of the attendance list by clicking the button labelled "Details View".

Student does not need to be picked up by a guardian

The student has been authorized by the guardian to leave alone. The student can be dismiss as soon as the class is over.

We do not have information from the guardian

The guardian did not provide information to Hatch regarding the dismissal of the student after class.  Please use your judgment in this cases to ensure the safety of the students.

What do I do when guardians are late for pick up?

In the case that a student required to be picked up by a guardian, but the guardian is late, one of the coaches will remain in the school until the guardian arrives to pick up the student.

The coach will be compensated for the extra time at the school.  Please leave a note on WhenIWork so that the Payroll is aware when auditing the shifts.

It is very important to never leave students that are to be picked up by guardians unattended.